Digital Transformation

Elevated risk is the new normal.

In the last decade, the global supply chain has experienced a wide range of disruptions including labor shortages, supply chain interruptions, and rising inflation. Other factors include a shortage of skilled workers, rising cost of labor, trade conflicts, weather events, and cyber attacks.

Disruption is not a short-term situation, but
a long-term trend that will most likely
as we face climate change,
global power balance shifts, and more.”


Industrial sectors will see more
disruption within the next five years
than in the past 20 years combined.”

A McKinsey report says…

Today’s high levels of disruption can be a recipe for loss unless organizations take steps to mitigate its effects. But how?

McKinsey says…
“We are at an inflection point in which companies who embrace digitalization report a stronger ability to respond to crises.”

Many organizations are better able to handle disruptions because they have adopted the digital capabilities that are key to Industry 4.0.