IMA Mobile.
Mitsubishi Electric’s Integrated Machine Analytic (IMA) Mobile app is designed to help manufacturers enter the era of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) by providing a simple method for remotely monitoring your CNC machines. The IMA Mobile app allows you to monitor CNC controls and receive notifications of machine status changes on your mobile device utilizing MTConnect®, an open standard that allows universal connectivity. Using this standard, Mitsubishi’s IMA Mobile allows you to monitor all machines in your shop, enabling you to keep projects on schedule, 24/7 manufacturing, and increase usage of your CNC machines. By having your machine’s CNC control panel data readily available on our mobile device (iOS or Android), you can be reassured your facility is operating efficiently and effectively.
IMA Adapter.
Mitsubishi Electric’s IMA adapters are compliant with version 1.31 of the MTConnect standard. MTConnect® is a standard that allows your CNC machines and other electrical equipment from different manufacturers, to share a common “language” enabling monitoring of your entire shop floor. The adapter is a read-only software package made to capture NC data and send it to the agent. The agent then formats the data per the MTConnect standard. Combined with 3rd party software, users can see operation status in real time, collect streaming data points from equipment events, and extract machining and operator patterns through data collection. Users can monitor dashboard visualizations, establish metric warning thresholds, or oversee their equipment through a mobile app.
Using the data collected from your CNC control panel, via our Integrated Machine Analytic (IMA) adapter, allows you to actively monitor, as well as analyze, your production floor in real-time. Management and shop floor personnel can identify problems or inefficiencies in their production line quickly and take action to remedy the situation using CNC controls. You will see improvements in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) along with a quick Return On Investment (ROI).
Custom Software Solutions.
Adapter customizability and data items outside the MTConnect standard are available to be developed if requested. We can also make customizable software programs utilizing our API to handle any project you may have, from bar code scanner systems to automatic tool offset corrections. If the data can be manipulated in the API, we can create a program for it.